
Frequently Asked Questions

Here's the answers to the most common questions students raise.

If after checking these you still need help then please complete a support request here

Your Course

Will I be able to get help with any questions about the course I've bought or do I have to work alone?

Help is ALWAYS available to those who ask for it. I stress to students throughout the course that they should always ask for help to get unstuck rather than be frustrated or not make progress. You’ll be able to ask for help in different ways including email to my private students use only address, via the ‘I have a question’ form in the student area and through the regular ‘Unstuck’ Q&A sessions which can be viewed live or at any time afterwards via the recordings.

But if in doubt – ask. I’d much rather give you help than have you not get the results you deserve and have paid for.

I don’t have much spare time – will I be able to complete my course?

Absolutely – each course is designed to be taken in small pieces. Each Module and Lesson builds on the previous one so the best progress is made by working through each in turn at your own pace to build your knowledge and understanding as you go. None of the lessons are overly long and each is available in multiple formats to suit your own preferred learning style and to allow you to access them in your busy daily life. So you could sit and watch a video for one lesson and then hear the audio version for another. It’s entirely your choice to find what works best for you.

I find it hard to fill a blank page. Will there be any resources to help me when I start creating content?

YES! Inside each course you’ll find case study examples and sample templates for everything taught. These are there to remove those 'where do I start' roadblocks and mean you can put into action what you see with content that is directly relevant to you and your business. Each case study is based on real life examples taken from different markets to provide plenty of inspiration for your own ideas.

Will the courses on offer work for me even if I haven’t built my business or website yet?

Each course is designed for online content creators at all different levels of experience and business size. 

So if you’re just starting out you’ll have all the help you need to figure it all out. I’ve helped coach business owners who are yet to launch their first product and those who are yet to make their first dollar. I’ve also coached and worked with multi-billion dollar businesses to ensure their content tells the right story, so you’ll be in experienced hands.

Things keep changing online. Will the courses be updated and what will any new version cost me? 

Each course on offer is reviewed on a regular basis and lessons, resources and information updated as a result. These updates may be due to changes in the online world or to reflect edits and improvements to the course itself. All students get access to the latest version of the core course materials for no extra charge.

Do I have to submit the Action Step work in Eze Content Ideas etc?

Not at all. Most lessons come with an Action Step activity so you can (if you want) try out your new knowledge based on your own business and ideas. If you submit your activity for my review be assured that there's no 'pass' or 'fail' involved. Just my honest, helpful, constructive and above all, personalised feedback based on what you submit and my experience in the world of content creation and beyond.

While it's not a requirement to submit the action step activities set, I DO recommend you have a go and submit them as they are a proven method to accelerate your learning and understanding which is immediately usable in your own business.

When are the Graduation bonuses released? Do I get them immediately?

The course graduation bonuses are available to you when you have completed all lessons of each course and graduated. Each course was specifically built this way so that by the time you have reached the end of the course you have the skills, practice and information ready to use on each of the bonuses.

I have other questions. How do I get help with these?

If you’ve got questions the answers can be found for you. You can submit a question via the support form at the bottom of this page or send an email to There’s also the regular ‘Unstuck’ webinars, videos and private podcasts that provide answers to the most common questions students ask.


Your Membership

How long will I have access to the course I bought?

Once you sign up to a course you’ll have ongoing access. This includes all future updates and revisions to the core course content with no further charge.

I can't log in to my training.

You will have been sent an email with your username and password to access the site and the coaching programs/memberships you have access to when your purchase was completed. If you need help with this please complete the form below using the name and email you used when you made your purchase and we'll do our best to help.

I need to change my password.

You can reset or change your password any time on your Profile page which you can find here.

I can't log in. I know my password is correct.

If you've failed logging in too many times, our system will incorrectly identify you as a threat or someone trying to brute force your way in. Fill out the form below and we'll unblock you.

Do you have a refund policy?

Yes, we offer a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you decide that your Course or Product is not right for you, then contact us and we will process your request. Please bear in mind that once your refund request is actioned your access to the site will be revoked so you'll no longer be able to access any of the course materials or members only resources.

I have other questions. How do I get help with these?

If you’ve got questions the answers can be found for you. You can submit a question via the support form at the bottom of this page or send an email to There’s also the regular ‘Unstuck’ webinars, videos and private podcasts that provide answers to the most common questions students ask.


Individual Coaching

How is your individual coaching different to any of your courses?

There are two key differences between the individual coaching and the courses I offer. On the Courses I provide help and advice to everyone so the solutions will be public and there’s a limit to the time I can take on each question asked so as many students as possible get their questions answered.

With individual coaching you have direct and exclusive access to my time and expertise but most important of all – I can give you personal and confidential advice and ideas on the content marketing sticking points you are struggling with. There’s also dedicated time to go deeper and wider on the problems you’re having with any ideas tailored just for you and your business.

How do I know if you're the Coach for me?

Using personal guidance from a Coach works really well when you know, like and trust the Coach you are relying on to guide you and your business forward. So ideally you need to have seen how they work, how they speak and examples of solutions they’ve provided to others or within a product or course you’ve bought from them. Once you’re happy the Coach you’ve identified can help with your situation AND you look forward to working with them then that’s the time to invest your hard earned money in their help – and not before.

So please read my published content, study my courses and be comfortable I am the coach that can help you BEFORE you invest.

Will the coaching work for me even if I haven’t built my business or website yet?

My personal coaching and advice will help online content creators at all different levels of experience and business size.

So if you’re just starting out you can have the help you need to figure out what may seem like huge obstacles to your progress to creating the online business you've planned and dreamed of having. I’ve helped coach business owners who are yet to launch their first product and those who are yet to make their first dollar. I’ve also coached and worked with multi-billion dollar businesses to ensure their content tells the right story, so you’ll be in experienced hands whatever content marketing help you need.

Do you have any actual experience of the things you would help with in the coaching sessions?

Very short answer is YES going back nearly forty years. You can see the variety and range of my content creation experience which began in 1985 here. Over the years I’ve taught literally thousands of students using my ‘EZE’ approach with training and 1 to 1 advice based on three standard principles.
SIMPLE – the advice must be accessible to everyone and easy to understand – no ‘secret’ jargon
COMPLETE – the advice given must include everything someone needs to achieve the promised result – no missing pieces
PRACTICAL – students will get practical hands on experiences in their learning backed up by real life example case studies – no ‘text book’ theories only

How can I get the most out of an individual coaching session with you?

To get the most from any personal coaching session you need to have a clear idea of the help you need so that you can share your questions and problem areas with your Coach. They can then put together a personalised set of recommendations and advice to give you the best route forward. Otherwise you may well spend most of the first half hour trying to gather your thoughts and sharing a jumble of issues which will be hard to help with.

If you struggle to get started then think of your answer to this single question first - Which issue is your most important to solve now? would be a good starting point.

Do I need a Camera or Webcam?

Ideally we'll both be visible to each other to chat and go through your questions face to face. But if you don't have a camera (or don't want to appear on screen) you can just speak instead.

Do the sessions need to last a full hour?

When you book a single coaching session, you'll be booking the whole hour for my advice, help and input. As a result I'm going to expect to spend that entire hour with you. If we resolve your issues and questions in less time, and you don't wish to use up the remaining time, that's your personal choice. Any such unused time you choose to not use is lost and cannot be saved towards a future call.

For multiple coaching session bookings, these are all booked and scheduled in hour-long time slots. I will expect to devote an hour of dedicated time with you. Should you decide not to use all the time available in each session, any unused time does not roll over for use in the future.

Do I need to do anything before a coaching session?

Yes, you’ll need to prepare in advance the questions or issues you need help with and would like to discuss. You'll then need to send these to me at least 24 hours before your booked time slot so that I can prepare and do any necessary research to fully support you. Your advice session(s) can be run on an ad hoc question basis but you will get more value out of each session if you send me your key issues or questions in advance.

Is the Coaching provided based on new and untried ideas or based on proven methods?

All the coaching you will be given is based on long established marketing communications best practices from the real business world – not some out of touch text book or trendy ‘business’ book. The coaching will be specific to your personal situation and where possible will be backed up with case studies and examples to showcase the solutions shared.

Will the Coaching teach me the best Facebook Strategies and how to make me an ‘Insta influencer’?

No - The Coaching will focus on providing advice and practical solutions around the content ideas and publishing process essential to building and keeping an audience eager to hear from your business.

It won’t advise on how to use a specific content distribution platform such as Instagram, Tik Tock, Facebook or Pinterest.

Will the coaching be specific to my business?

Yes - all the coaching and advice given will be 100% specific to your own business/website.

All coaching will be given with the aim to help you get through any issues, obstacles or questions you're facing.

Does the Coaching include 'done for you' help?

No. The coaching will help you resolve questions, issues and obstacles you're having in your online content creation journey. The sessions won't be an opportunity to expect me to write your copy, create posts for you or build/edit your sales page or website. The coaching CAN provide you with suggested tools and methods to use.

The coaching will provide solutions, suggestions and ways forward as well as the confidence to come up with your own content ideas and plans suited to your business and how you want to ‘speak’ to your target audience. To borrow from a famour quote - I can give you the tools and processes to follow but it's up to you to do the work finishing bringing these to life.

Student Support

If you need to contact us for support or any questions about your course or membership then please use this form and we'll get back to you as fast as we can.

Please note that we take the weekends off so if you send in a request late Friday or over the weekend it won't be looked at until Monday.
