Content Creation Canned



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Creative Content Copy

These guides will help you fast track your copy creation without having to spend months and years learning all the essentials.

I've done that for you and put all the core shortcuts and success tips I've learned in 40 years of writing great copy into these easy to understand guides.

Whether you have to write your content copy yourself or you outsource to someone else – having copy that is concise, creative and consistent is CRUCIAL to your business success.

Presented in a series of visual infographics you can use these visual guides to speed your own copy creation to success!

Understanding how to create copy that works is vitally important for any online business owner. But getting just the right information is hard. This course walks you step-by-step through what you need to know (and only that!) so you can get started right away.

When you're ready, let's begin!

However you create your content - using an AI tool, outsoource to a VA or you do it all yourself, you MUST have good copy that reads well and sounds like you. With this set of proven tips and reminders you'll be racing ahead.You'll find copy tips to help you create articles, scripts, social posts, podcasts - in fact any kind of content copy whatever market or niche you are in.

Your Coach - Colin Stevens MA DipM FCIM


As your personal coach throughout your exciting learning journey that is your 'Creative Content Copy' course my focus will be to help you progress, learn and succeed. If you get stuck or need help in any way please ask.

My long term passion is helping my students and clients like YOU to save time, money and above all, effort so that your business can grow faster and be more profitable the eze way.

For over 40 years I've been creating content, communications and brands (see all the details here). That lifetime journey full of ups, downs, mistakes and triumphs has helped me to develop all the content success solutions and strategies you’ll learn in this course. 

Thank you so much for entrusting your learning to me - it's a responsibility I take very seriously.

When you're ready, let's begin!  

