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17 Lessons

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You Look Great

Your Eze Way To Look Great

Welcome to You Look Great, a course that will teach you the eze way to press record and always look great in your videos.

This course is for anyone who finds it difficult to appear on video or has never yet managed to hit the record button.

It's also a course if you've done some videos but find recording them seems to be the last thing you want to do.

Understanding how to record video (and audio) is vitally important for any online business owner. But getting just the right information is hard. This course walks you step-by-step through what you need to know (and only that!) so you can get started right away.

When you're ready, let's begin!

Module 1: Speed Start!

In Module 1, you'll get an overview of the course, so you’ll know exactly what's ahead and can make faster progress. By discovering each step in your course journey you'll then understand how each step builds on the previous one to give you the essential skills and confidence for success.

Welcome to your Course!

In this lesson you'll discover the three core parts of your course and how they all go together to help you succeed with your recordings into the future. When you understand your course journey, your progress to success as a result of each module will be that much easier.

Module 2: Blocks & Eze Solutions

In Module 2, we'll go through all the blocks that can stop you from recording. You'll then learn tried and trusted, cheap and eze solutions that you can use immediately to remove each block forever!

Your Module Two Overview - discover what's coming up!

We all have blocks that just make us hesitate, put off the inevitable pressing of that button, or just not feel in the right mood to get round to recording what you want to say. So what are these blocks that get in our way?

Video Kit Blocks are all the blocks that are so easy to find, especially when you're starting out. But what are they and why do they matter?

In this lesson you’ll discover ALL your Kit Block solutions so you no longer have to let your kit be a block to pressing ‘Record’.

This lesson covers your Studio ‘Blocks’. You’ll discover how where you record and the recording environment you use can be a block to you pressing record and progressing with your videos.

In this lesson you’ll discover ALL your Studio Block solutions so you no longer have to let your recording setup and studio be a block to pressing ‘Record’.

In this Lesson you’ll learn the most common Blocks that we self-impose on ourselves.

In this lesson you’ll discover ALL your Self Block solutions so you no longer have to let your own obstacles and objections be a block to pressing ‘Record’.

Your Module Two Wrap!

Module 3: Record & Look Great

Module 3 will share with you the eze process that will have you recording and appearing in public on video with all the confidence you need to make videos long into the future. If you've never done video before, or the thought of appearing on video in public is the last thing you want to do, then this module of the course will be incredibly helpful to your progress.

Your Module Three Overview - discover what's coming up!

In this Lesson you'll learn Step One of the Eze Video process. You'll also meet 'Fred' who will guide your progress.

In this Lesson you'll continue with the Eze Video Process and go public! Discover how in this Lesson.

Step 3 of the Eze Video Process is shared with you in this lesson. It's likely to be the most challenging but there's help at hand!

The final Step of the Eze Video process is covered in this Lesson and is the most essential for your long term success. Discover why in this Lesson.

Your Module 3 and Course Wrap! Plus some very important information not to be missed.

Your Coach - Colin Stevens MA DipM FCIM


As your personal coach throughout your exciting learning journey that is your 'You Look Great' course my focus will be to help you progress, learn and succeed. If you get stuck or need help in any way please ask.

My long term passion is helping my students and clients like YOU to save time, money and above all, effort so that your business can grow faster and be more profitable the eze way.

For over 40 years I've been creating content, communications and brands (see all the details here). That lifetime journey full of ups, downs, mistakes and triumphs has helped me to develop all the content success solutions and strategies you’ll learn in this course. 

Thank you so much for entrusting your learning to me - it's a responsibility I take very seriously.

When you're ready, let's begin!  

