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22 Lessons

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You Sound Great

Your Eze Way To Sound Great!

Welcome to You Sound Great, a course that will teach you 16 eze way to always sound professional whenever you press record.

This course is for anyone who wants to sound their best in every recording they do.

Understanding how to record professional sounding audio for your video and podcasts productions is vitally important for any online business owner. But getting just the right information is hard. This course walks you step-by-step through a series of eze actionable tips that you need to know (and only that!) so you can get started right away.

When you're ready, let's begin!

Module 1: Speed Start!

In this short first module, you get an overview of each part of the course, so you know what's to come. You'll then have a better understanding of how the information shared with you will fit together. As you go through the course, it will build your expertise in creating professional sounding audio.

Welcome to your Course!

In this lesson you'll discover the two core parts of your course and how they go together to help you have the best audio recordings into the future. When you understand your course journey, your progress to success as a result of each module will be that much easier.

Module 2: Eze Ways To Sound Great! Your Studio

In this module, you'll learn 8 different, but equally important tips to help you create the best recording setup for you.

Your Module 2 Overview - discover what's coming up!

In this lesson, we're going to cover Tip 1 - Solid Foundations. You'll discover the importance of Quick, Solid and Adjustable to your recording space. Find out how here....

In Tip 2 you'll find my answer to the most asked question when it comes to Audio recording - Which One??

This Tip gives you the essential information on Distance, Position and Angle as well as two easy methods to always be just the right distance away...

This Tip will reveal to you 'The Forgotten' that in reality are the most important items you should have in your sound setup. Discover why...

This Tip shares fundamental facts you need to know if your recording space is to produce sound as it should. Find out what you should include AND what to avoid at all costs in your studio space...

Tip 6 - Trial Run shares with you a simple but really important tip that very few people use and as a result suffer the consequences. Avoid this issue here...

In Tip 7, you'll learn all about the Drop, the Pop and the Cover and why you need to always use these when you use your mic...

Tip 6 - Yes or No? This Tip might seem like an obvious tip until it's happened to you and then you'll see the immense value. Find out why...

Your Module 2 Wrap!

Module 3: Eze Ways To Sound Great! Your Voice

In this module, you'll learn 8 varied tips to help you use your voice to sound great every time you record.

Your Module 3 Overview - discover what's coming up!

Tip 9 - On and Off covers an essential but simple way to always sound professional when you record. In fact, it will make you sound better than a lot of today's professionals on the radio and on podcasts...

And Stretch is a vital step in your sound recording process but is probably the most common thing that people who record their voice overlook in their race to get started. Don't be like them and follow this essential tip...

Tip number 11, In and Out covers a technique that the old Radio broadcasters always used which few use today. Make your audience enjoy your voice so much more by following the advice you'll find inside...

In Tip 12 - Going Loud you'll learn how to Laugh, Shout and Scream while recording without wrecking your audio. Find out how here...

POWS can be a real nightmare when recording or listening to audio recordings. Why they happen and ways to avoid them altogether are shared for you in this tip. Learn to avoid your POWS here...

Tip 14 shares with you the problem of Gaps and how to avoid them. You'll learn how to identify, cure and plug gaps in your audio in ways that your audience will not even notice. Learn how to mind your gaps here...

One thing that can really ruin an otherwise perfectly good recording is the sound of random pops, crackles and smacks as you open your mouth while speaking. In Tip 15, Bad Mouthing, you'll learn a series of steps and tricks you can use to avoid this issue EVERY time your press record. Find out how here...

Tip 16 - saves the best to last. In this Tip you'll learn a really powerful but really simple method to have you talking naturally, professionally and with confidence every time you press record. See how here in this lesson...

Your Module 3 and Course Wrap! Plus some very important information not to be missed.

Your Coach - Colin Stevens MA DipM FCIM


As your personal coach throughout your exciting learning journey that is your 'You Sound Great' course my focus will be to help you progress, learn and succeed. If you get stuck or need help in any way please ask.

My long term passion is helping my students and clients like YOU to save time, money and above all, effort so that your business can grow faster and be more profitable the eze way.

For over 40 years I've been creating content, communications and brands (see all the details here). That lifetime journey full of ups, downs, mistakes and triumphs has helped me to develop all the content success solutions and strategies you’ll learn in this course. 

Thank you so much for entrusting your learning to me - it's a responsibility I take very seriously.

When you're ready, let's begin!  

